This posting is meant to present our account of our PLC group's investigation of successful reading strategies. As suggested by Ms. Dyer, we will call all our examinations "Best Practices." I suppose we may try some tasks that don't supply good results, so I don't think everything we try will actually earn the title "Best Practices", but that's how we'll learn.
Our group is Ms. Alcantara, Mr. Corwin, and Mr. Hudson. Our first efforts will employ several strategies applied with Thinking Aloud techniques.
This is a great way to share ideas. I will bookmark this blog for further reading. Good luck.
I very much like this test format that we've developed.It challenges student thinking through all levels of Bloom's taxonmy and can be administered to any student any time during the semester. My scores were pretty much on the bell-curve which also supports validity and reliability.
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