Monday, January 21, 2008

Senior Final

Mr. Corwin and I chose selections we had studied in class, and then built comprehension questions referring to those selections. We tried to develop a realistic assessment that was usable for all of our students, even if they had entered class after our starting date. Consequently, we chose Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, Macbeth, "Ozymandias" and a sonnet by Shakespeare. In addition, we used selections from Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Dracula by Bram Stoker,Dubliners by James Joyce and Turn of the Screw by Henry James. Each selection had five to ten questions following its printed text. We felt that this construction was more like the testing that our students would encounter in FCAT makeups and SAT testing.

We were pleased with the results. Most students scored in a middle range, with few high grades, but also few outright failures.

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